Come enjoy a cool autumn day in Historic Downtown Kingman on Historic Route 66 at the annual Oktoberfest. Enjoy German beer, food, music and fun at the annual Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club Brews and Brats Oktoberfest!
Located at the Historic Powerhouse parking lot in Downtown Kingman, across from Locomotive Park the fun will include live music, beer, brats and sauerkraut. You ust be 21 to enter the beer garden area. Events runs from 10am to 8pm.
There is a parade that begins at 9:30am at Sixth and Beale Streets. Beale Street is one block north of Historic Route 66. The parade will travel down Beale Street, ending at Locomotive Park, which is at the junction of Beale Street and Route 66.
The Kingman Downtown Merchants Association is also holding its annual Walk in the Park celebration on Saturday. Craft vendors will be set up in the park.