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If you enjoy hunting and fishing, Kingman, AZ is a great place to live! Arizona offers some of the best hunting in the nation. If you have hunted in Arizona before, you know of the diversity of wildlife and habitat that provide extraordinary hunting opportunities. If this is your first time hunting in Arizona, you are in for a memorable experience.
Most BLM National Monuments are open to hunting. Generally, U.S. Forest Service lands in Arizona are open to hunting. Some of the larger county parks have limited hunting, State Trust Land requires a valid lease or permit. Hunting on Indian Reservations, if allowed, is controlled by each individual tribe. Hunting is allowed on Military Reservation but check before you enter.
Hunting is prohibited in all National Monuments, National Parks, and National Historic Sites. Lake Mead National Recreation Area does have areas that are open to hunting. Wilderness Areas do not allow motorized travel except where specifically permitted. BLM lands in Arizona are generally open to hunting.
While there is no requirement for hunters to wear orange in Arizona; it is STRONGLY suggested that all hunters adopt this valuable safety precaution to help others see and identify them in the field.
Hunters are ask to use non-lead bullets, especially in the Condor Country. The Condor is NOT on the hunting list, but to help protect them from eating the lead fragments in carcasses left in the field you are ask to use copper bullets.
Copper bullets have superior penetration, are less toxic, and do not fragment like lead. 93 percent of hunters today find the non-lead bullets perform as well as or better than lead bullets on game. Hunters have played a significant role over the past 100 years in recovering and reestablishing wildlife populations.
Jaguars are listed as endangered in the U.S under the Endanger Species Act. Jaguar tracks are similar to mountain lion track. If you come across a Jaguar, back off and leave it alone. Then count yourself blessed with a rare event in the sighting of a Jaguar.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has juniors-only hunting where they have exclusive application opportunities. Some of the hunts have reduced fees. Juniors are not limited to these hunts. Juniors may apply for other season hunts.
Arizona State law prohibits discharge of firearms in the incorporated limits of any municipality unless except by local ordinances. You must have written or verbal permission from private property owners for use of their legally posted private lands. Legal shooting time is during daylight hours. In general, if you can see well enough to shoot safely, you are legal. Be sure what you are shooting at! Poachers are Thieves, Help Stop Poaching.
For any upcoming hunt make sure to do your homework.
Good luck and enjoy your Arizona hunting experience.
Arizona Big Game Hunting - There are opportunities to hunt Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, Buffalo, Javelina, Turkey, Mountain Lion, Mule Deer, Elk, and White-tailed Deer.
Arizona Small Game Species - Arizona is recognized for its abundant small game species. Arizona's small game species include cottontail rabbits, tree squirrels, upland game birds including Gambel quails, Scaled quail, Mearns' Quail, chukar, grouse, and pheasants.
Migratory game birds such as ducks, geese, swan, sandhill cranes, coot, gallinule, common snipe, mourning and white-winged doves, collared doves, and band-tailed pigeon make for additional hunting opportunities.
Arizona Predator Species - Arizona predatory mammals are defined as coyotes, bobcats, foxes and skunks. As of 2009 it is currently NOT LEGAL to NIGHT HUNT.
The bobcat, though seldom seen, is very common and found throughout the state. Coyotes are Arizonas most common predator and found throughout the entire state. There are three species of fox in Arizona - the red fox, kit fox, and gray fox..
At least four species of skunks are found in Arizona. The most common of the species by far is the cat-sized striped skunk that occurs throughout Arizona. All of the species have scent glands which secrete a secretion of musk that gives them their malodorous reputation.
Arizona Furbearer Species - Arizona fur-bearing mammals are defined as muskrats, raccoons, otters, weasels, bobcats, beavers, badgers, Gunnison Prairie Dogs, and ringtails. No season for the taking of jaguars, ocelots, wolves, or porcupines exists.
A few badgers are undoubtedly taken incidental to pursuing other game, but these numbers too are very small. Beavers may not be hunted in Arizona and may only be trapped.
Muskrats can be found along most of Arizona's perennial rivers and permanent marshes. The number trapped since the late 1980s has been virtually zero.
Otters are very common and may someday soon be managed as a furbearer with a limited number of animals be eligible to be taken by trappers.
Racoons are a relatively common animal along Arizona's perennial streams, lakes, and reservoirs. Both pursued with dogs as game, and trapped as a fur-bearer, the raccoon is somewhat unique in that it is the only animal in Arizona that can be legally taken with a firearm at night.
Ringtails are found in rocky areas throughout Arizona with about the only areas devoid of ringtails being flat, alluvial valleys. Ringtail cats are not a target species for trappers and usually taken incidentally.
Weasels are voracious predators, taking cottontail rabbits, hares, and rodents much larger than themselves. They also take birds, snakes, and lizards. The number of weasels trapped in Arizona is insignificant.
Arizona Waterfowl Hunting - Arizona falls within the Pacific Flyway, along with 11 other western states. Waterfowl species occurring in the state include both resident and migratory populations. Arizona's waterfowl hunting season usually opens on the first Friday in October and runs into January.
Species included are American Wigeon, Blue-winged Teal, Bufflehead, Canada Geese, Canvasback, Cinnamon Teal, Common Merganser, Gadwall, Green-winged Teal, Mallard, Northern Pintail, Northern Shovler, Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, and the Greater/Lesser Scaup.
Additional Hunters Information |
Hiking Safety - Great Information For Hunting |
The BLM Kingman Field Office |
Arizona Game & Fish Department - Hunting |
Kingman is the Region III headquarters of Arizona Game & Fish Department
5325 N. Stockton Hill Road, Kingman, AZ 86409 (928)-692-7700